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Monday, September 29, 2008


2day eat de food all HOT n SPICY de~~~

umm breakfast eat buns, i heated it up n got 发霉 de........

in the end i gotta cut it off........

then lunch 4get eat wad le.......

oh yeah lunch eat pork 炒 potatoes and rice

dinner eat "ASAM HU(hokkien)"

oh yeah supper eat asam mee n now eating duck noodles

Saturday, September 27, 2008


the time now is & 30 cause of the daylight savings over le>,<

so now is add m'sia 5 hrs lorr

i cant sleep 1 hr more.....


Friday, September 26, 2008

umm my breakfast*DRINK n EAT*b4 i go to ply basketball^^

oh ya, i help dad open beer ^^ use hand can open de^^

yumyum FETA with tomato puree of some kind(cheese soaked in oil of sth sth de)NIICE^^

Thursday, September 25, 2008

YAY~~~it'z D holidayz.........

the HOLIDAYS........

r fun, but i think i cant ply games so much

aiz >,< l!|

just tried to dun study 2day but sure knt so wad for i say so much rite??

AND TO ANONYMOUS STOP NOT USING UR NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

aiz just now 10 30 thn ply

mum n dad say i cn rst but can oni play 30 MINUTES......

11 pm nid sleep then 2mr last day of skul and then HOLIDAY^^


tou tou on9 then mum come scold me say i ply games...........

now just treat me lyk PRISONER nia............


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

MALLOWPUFFS(chocs with marshmallow in it) & TIM TAM *JUST ATE @NITES*

FETA!!!yum yum!!!slurp

bossomberry ripple ice-cream with LYCHEES~~~

muahaha~~~late le baru can onTT

coz of my tests results,

chemistry, 2 NAs, 2 As / 4

biology, 2NAs, 1 As / 3

physics, 3NAs / 3

maths, 3NAs, 2As / 5

and english, 1NAs, 1As / 2

i cant on9 soooo long.........

was banned so just had the chance to update 2day........

Sunday, September 21, 2008

2day got my resultsT,T

BIOLOGY - 3 papers(2 NA, 1 A)

CHEMISTRY - 4 papers (2 NA, 2 A)

MATHS - 5 papers (3 NA, 2 A)

ENGLISH - 2 essays (1 NA, 1 A)

T>T.......nid PIA leT,T'''

YESTERDAY night~~~

we watched movie in the TV called "the zoo".......

then JAN couldn't 分别 wht is LION n TIGER~~~~


dad sort of disturbed her when the TV is showing a TIGER


DAD : Jeh, is this s LION?

JAN : Ummm, Y-E-S!!!


DAD : I kok ur head ah.......LION n TIGER oso duno how to "BEZA

Saturday, September 20, 2008

wana see sum NICE FOOD?

lasagne the BEST FOOD WHICH I LIKED.......

apple slices for myself whn GUM INFECTION^^


all photo use code deT,T

the "THINGS" i ate after no more GUM INFECTION^^

Friday, September 19, 2008

duckilngs & cow

oh my gosh i reset settings jiu ok le^^

the skul farm

my com puter siao siao le.........

the settings knt gif the computer read so i knt upload any photos


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

just ate pisar.......nice.....

now wan ply games lurh~~~~

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

BACK from exam~~~~loong time no update blog.......find 1 time i update all.....><

just now 4 pm tets finish come back home BUT knt on my s2pid PC cause say knt boot up........

then dad come home nia......he duno press wad ok le~~~~


later 1 pm wan go to SKUL for EXAM le.......

urmmmm.......ntg to say............

just back from going out with mum..........

later go test BIO...........

hope i wont fail this time cause i oledi memorize quite a lot

& bio is use common sense de right????

Monday, September 15, 2008

yay 2mr no exam~~~~

but wednesday afernoon got bio~~~~~

2day sienx lorr.......ntg do.........

just dulan few guys in GARENA nia.........

Friday, September 12, 2008

i think now imma gonna fail my MATHS~~~`


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

so hard de the tests, chemistry & physics

so hard so hard!!!!1

i think i wil fail chemistry......

btw, i think the one who 出 the physics is siao de......all so hard understand i dun even noe what means........


sorry just dulan nia.......no other bad meanings........

my timetable~~~

thursday(2mr) ~ test chemistry at 9 am til 12 pm, then physics 1 pm til 4 pm

then go home.......

friday ~ 9am - 12pm mathematics

monday morning ~ english

wednesday afternoon ~ biology........

sure fail bio n maths, physics maybe, chem also.......

Monday, September 8, 2008

annoying larr new GG

2day on 偷偷 again

sohai de.........

ktn close the adevrtisements.......aiz........]

ntg say bored nia~~~

Sunday, September 7, 2008

2day 偷偷 play COMPUTER~~~


mum went out to fetch dad and cousin.....so me n jan 偷偷 on9.........

NOTTI LEI>,<~~~~

nex 2 weeks knt on9 leT,T

got test on thursday then friday

then monday then wait until thuirsday again.......

in the time between we no test cn at home but knt use PCT.T

Saturday, September 6, 2008

T,T......quarreled whole house so NOISY 2day

quarreled with dad n mum......

then go in room quarreled with siblingsT,T

i dont feel bad but i sort of "enjoyed" it~~~~

Thursday, September 4, 2008


exam week nex week.........

knt ply games........

but, after exam finish cn go straight home de............

GUD~~~~~but knt ply games.......BAD

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

i applied a a job at FARMERS~~~~

ntg say lorr.........juz apply duno whn cn get job........

thy say me stil not old enuf handle cash so knt b cashier~~~~~

but do introduce thing at child section de.........

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

OH YA!!!!

do u all noe thy also got puasa here????

my chemistry teacher is ISLAM......she puasa sinc yesterday


mum said 2 nites we go shopping!!!!!


got another 2 books of naruto manga~~~~huhu~~~~

2day get back chemistry resultsT,T

get 5 achieved & 2 merit, but overall i got NA!!!!!!!

then i boh song le!!!!!

then i find another questin so cn get betetr marks.......

i saw wah this correct de why gime NA.......

so ask teacher she say yes i cn gif u an A for this 1.......

jan said,: even get another A oso no use get NA.......

i ask teacher what marks get A?

she said 8A's

n i was wooohooooo get A le.......

MONDAY so funny de

form teacher say this week got FIRE DRILL practice mah......

thn first period test chemistry, n every1 was seated then the BELL rang.......

every1 as like YEAH!!!no test.........then whn we go down another teacher said, it was a false alarm~~~~huhu~~~~~

Monday, September 1, 2008

2day so soi de~~~~!!!!!

back from skul, gum stil pain...... T,T

then 2nites duno why my stomach above ther, so painful like 抽筋.......

then mom make 咸酸梅水 gime drink......

then again lao sai 2 times........

i wan die le.......

in the nex 2 weeks got testT,Tl!|