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Friday, March 5, 2010


called U today...feel HAPPIE hearing yr voice...bt i'm feeling ='{ sad },= now cause clumsy + 4getful me...didnt tell u happie anniversary...i mean it's OUR 1st MONTHLY ANNIVERSARY man...the 1 n only 1st MONTHLY ANNIVERSARY...ther's no more a 1st one...n me,yr hope n everyting...couldnt say it in person to u,b with u 4 our anniversary...how stupid m i?

n u oso said u missed a scholarship so i'm also sad 4 u...bt +u orh...干爸爹 can get other schols oso...don ever give up...

okay lo...l8 le...gtg bed...<3 u...

Yong a.k.a Gmogu