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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

after CHIT CHAT with U

after having msn chats with u, feel like i'm so USELESS... tmr U and ALL SPM FRIENDS de RESULTS coming out le... n yet, i couldnt do anything useful... being by yr side, SUPPORTing u, COMFORTing u... and much more... u said u probably cant sleep tonite cause u're too worried... i still rmb u said u will have nightmares often at nights... but, i wasnt ther by yr side everytime... but being FAR FAR FAR AWAY from U... feel that i'm like a USELESS BF right now...

u asked me today saying "if u broke my heart one day, cause u found the "BETTER ONE"... would i wish u gud?" i kept on replying u while using msn on my mobile, but it seemed that "GOD(as in any GOD cause i'm a free thinker)" didnt want my message to be delivered to u... actually i'd really feel BAD for it, feel SAD for it, feel DEPRESSED for it... but i would rather sincerely wish u to be happie always with yr "BETTER ONE"... i'd rather u stay happie always than be by my side, being my wife, but not being happie... i dont want this to happen... i want u to always be happie... and if yr "BETTER ONE" bullies u or anything, u can always come and complain to me, we can always be like BROTHERs n SISTERs like we used to be... n i'd listen to yr heart problems(direct translation from chinese...HAHA) like i used to...

i'm thinking now, why can u be by my side when i'm DEPRESSED, facing problems, but not me being by yr side when u're having such problems... u kept asking me to go to bed... i just wanna ACCOMPANY U, CARE for U, LOVE U like u used to do for me...

well, gonna go bed now... it's kinda getting late now...

Yong a.k.a Gmogu