Saturday, March 6, 2010


didnt knoe what i did HURTED u...until after reading yr blog...i really am so sorry...tinking deeply now, what i did back ther...i finally realized, I gave u too much worries...Shudnt have done so...

1 more ting...i ever told u i cant go on on weekdays...And i jst read yr blog now...really am SORRY...i wont do those stuff again...this time, I really seriously promise u...i WONT do it u dont havta worry bout me...i'll study as i promised...

i'm sorry got drunk ytd...really did sth stupid back ther...SORRY my DEAR...

<3 Yong a.k.a Gmogu

2 特斯提s(testis):

ZzlynlynzZmushroom said...

Seriously clarify that, I DONT WORRY BOUT U!!! HMPH!!! Someone who doesnt worry bout himself, worth earning my brain worrying bout? hmph!! from now on, take care of urself well!!! it's a must!!!

i HATE myself!!! said...
